Кран-манипулятор Cranab TL12

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  • Производитель Краны-манипуляторы Cranab
  • Модель TL12
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  • Технические характеристики
The cranes have been specially produced for trucks and consist of modern, tried-and-tested technologies and world-class hydraulics. In our development work we have focused on the operator, contractors and the environment. We have put great emphasis into the industry-leading key qualities of performance, high productivity and sustainability. Cranab's L-formed truck crane always puts you one step ahead: It is powerful, versatile and flexible, service-friendly and safe. The L-crane always comes fitted with a torque linkage, which makes it extra powerful and dependable, especially in heavy lifting scenarios.
Telescopic version12
Standard reachm8,310,0
Lifting capacitykNm115,00106,4
Hydraulic extensionm1,573,1
Angle rotation°425425
Rotation torquekNm29,329,3
Working pressureMpa2626
Pump capacityl/min120 - 160120 - 160
Crane weightkg24152535
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